Focus Area: Economy
Staff Contact: Emily Carrillo, Senior Planner & Taylor Vande Velde, Planner II
Subject: Annual Report on Olathe Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative
Annual State of the Neighborhoods.
The Olathe Healthy Neighborhoods Initiative (HNI) is a collaborative approach to improving the quality of life for our residents, by ensuring every resident has the opportunity to be part of a vibrant, healthy neighborhood. HNI works to tackle barriers and provide resources through advocacy, community outreach efforts, and improvement projects that result in safe, healthy neighborhoods where families can thrive.
Program resources take a holistic approach to this community need by focusing on communication and fostering partnerships across divisions, departments, and agencies, as well as community stakeholders. Olathe’s HNI program is comprised of the following services:
• Condition Index
• Neighborhood Registration & Grants
• Community Partnerships
• Outreach & Communication
The Neighborhood Resource Team is an essential part of this city-wide initiative. The team spans all Olathe 2040 Focus Areas with representatives from various departments and divisions working together with community partners and resident groups towards the common goal of improving the Quality of Life in Olathe neighborhoods.
HNI aligns directly with Olathe 2040, Organizational Goals and Council Priorities by leveraging community and organizational assets that positively impact Quality of Life.
As part of this program, each year an overview is provided to the City Council with this State of the Neighborhoods Address.
Financial Impact:
Action Needed:
No action is needed. This annual update is for information only.