Focus Area: Infrastructure (Engineering)
Staff Contact: Mary Jaeger / Nate Baldwin
Subject: Agreement with Orrick & Erskine, L.L.P. for land acquisition and appraisal services for the Santa Fe, Ridgeview to Mur-Len Improvements Project.
Consideration of Professional Services Agreement with Orrick & Erskine, L.L.P. for land acquisition and appraisal services for the Santa Fe, Ridgeview to Mur-Len, Improvements Project, PN 3-C-025-18.
The Santa Fe corridor is currently congested, impacting the east/west travel times throughout the city. The interchange is also a critical component of the City’s transportation network, which is also congested and causes traffic to back up onto I-35. The interchange currently has a crash rate that is approximately 6 times the national average.
This project will improve Santa Fe from Ridgeview Road to Mur-Len Road. The project will also include the reconstruction of the interchange at I-35 along with auxiliary lanes on I-35 from Santa Fe to 119th Street. Improvements will include new bridges, pavement widening/reconstruction, roadway realignments/extensions, access control, signal installation, median construction, streetlights, sidewalks and all other work necessary to complete the project.
The project is currently at the 60% design phase. The agreement with Orrick & Erskine will allow the project to continue to move forward into the land acquisition phase. The agreement includes land acquisition, relocation, and appraisal services. The total cost of this agreement is $625,000.
Staff will return to Council, in the future, with appraisal and easement information.
Financial Impact:
Funding for the Santa Fe, Ridgeview to Mur-Len, Improvements Project includes:
GO Bonds $ 40,000,000
KDOT (State) $ 65,211,939
KDOT (Federal) $ 94,065,799
Total $199,277,737
Action Needed:
Approval of Professional Services Agreement with Orrick & Erskine, L.L.P. for land acquisition and appraisal services for the Santa Fe, Ridgeview to Mur-Len, Improvements Project, PN 3-C-025-18.
A. Project Location Map
B. Project Fact Sheet
C. Agreement