Focus Area: Infrastructure
Staff Contact: Zach Hardy/Michelle Probasco/Shari Pine
Subject: Consideration of award of contract to Trojan Technologies for upgrade to the Harold Street Wastewater Treatment Plant UV disinfection system.
Consideration of award of contract to Trojan Technologies to upgrade UV modules at Harold Street Wastewater Treatment Plant.
The UV bulbs and associated hardware and electronics at Harold Street Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) are at the end of their life and due for replacement. Upgrading to the Trojan UV3000 Plus will reduce lamp breaks and leaks and adds automatic lamp cleaning improving the consistency of UV performance. This upgrade guarantees long-term support and compatibility of the UV system ensuring a robust system for the future. Additionally, this upgrade aligns with the PLC replacement for the Harold Street UV system and supports resiliency and security enhancements.
Located at the corner of Northgate and Harold Street, the Harold Street WWTP treats about 1.7 million gallons a day (MGD) using trickling filters and anaerobic digestion. The plant was built in 1957 and underwent a major renovation in 1972 and again in 1986 when a Trojan UV2000 system was installed to replace chlorine as the disinfectant. The Trojan UV2000 was upgraded to UV3000 in 2008.
Financial Impact:
A one-time expense of $235,000 charged to Environmental Services, Wastewater Treatment maintenance budget.
Action Needed:
Approval of award of contract to Trojan Technologies for Wastewater Treatment UV system upgrade.
A. Contract