City of Olathe header
File #: G25-4877   
Type: Council Consent Status: Passed
File created: 1/13/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/4/2025 Final action: 2/4/2025
Title: Consideration of a Real Estate Agreement with Enterprise Bank & Trust.
Staff Contact: Ron Shaver
Attachments: 1. A: Enterprise Bank & Trust real estate agreement

Focus Area: Legal; Infrastructure

Staff Contact: Ron Shaver; Nate Baldwin

Subject: Real Estate Agreement with Enterprise Bank & Trust.




Consideration of a Real Estate Agreement with Enterprise Bank & Trust.




On November 1, 2024, the City acquired the Town Square Shopping Center at the southeast corner of Santa Fe Street and Clairborne Street as part of the I-35 and Santa Fe geometric improvements project (PN 3-C-025-18) (the “Project”).  The Town Square Shopping Center comprises approximately 11.7 acres, including the Enterprise Bank & Trust building at 110 N. Clairborne Street.  Enterprise Bank leased their building from the prior owner.


Based on the City’s design plans for the Project, the Enterprise Bank building is not required to be demolished to accommodate the Project, and access will be afforded to the Bank after the Project is complete.  Enterprise Bank desires to remain in their current location and further desires to purchase the building from the City.


The attached real estate contract (Attachment A) sets forth the terms under which the City will convey the bank building and surrounding parking area to Enterprise Bank.   The purchase price is $915,000, which is the midpoint between the City’s 3rd party appraisal ($930,000) and Enterprise’s 3rd party appraisal ($900,000). 


Within 30 days of the Buyer executing the Agreement, the City will obtain a survey to allow for a lot split of the Bank property from the rest of the property acquired by the City.  The property will be sold as is.  Closing will take place within 45 days after completion of Buyer’s pre-closing duties (approximately 60-75 days from the date the City signs the Agreement).


Financial Impact:

Because Federal funds are involved in the Project, all net proceeds from the sale will be deposited back into the Project account in accordance with Federal requirements.  The City will pay all closing and title insurance costs, and Enterprise Bank will pay any brokerage fees owed to its agents and representatives.


Action Needed:

Approve the Real Estate Agreement with Enterprise Bank & Trust.



A: Enterprise Bank & Trust real estate agreement