Focus Area: Infrastructure (Engineering)
Staff Contact: Mary Jaeger / Nate Baldwin
Subject: Agreement with HNTB Corporation for contracted part-time project management services for transportation projects.
Consideration of a Professional Services Agreement with HNTB Corporation for contract project management services for various infrastructure projects within the City of Olathe.
Project Management for capital projects within the City of Olathe is typically provided by in-house engineers. Due to the volume of projects starting design in 2025, combined with ongoing projects, the workload cannot be adequately covered by in-house project managers. It is therefore recommended that outsourced project management services be utilized to supplement staff for these 2025 projects.
On September 20, 2024, the City advertised a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) from consulting firms to provide part-time project management services that would supplement City staff for the 2025 Capital Improvement projects. There were two (2) firms that responded to the RFQ. After reviewing all the proposals, the selection committee chose HNTB Corporation (HNTB) as the most qualified firm.
HNTB will commit the resources necessary to supplemental City staff ensuring that these projects are managed expertly and delivered on time and within budget. The Professional Services Agreement is based on an hourly rate, up to a maximum amount of $172,500. The maximum contract amount is based on one (1) project manager spending two (2) days per week for up to 50 weeks.
Financial Impact:
The contract amount is $172,500. The project management costs will be capitalized to the projects that HNTB will be managing.
Action Needed:
Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with HNTB Corporation for contract project management services for various infrastructure projects within the City of Olathe.
A. Agreement