Focus Area: Economy, Community Development
Staff Contact: Taylor Vande Velde, Planner II
Subject: FP24-0039: Final Plat for Pioneer Park; Applicant: Michael McGrew, Landworks Studio, LLC
Request for the acceptance of the dedication of the land for public easements for a final plat for Pioneer Park (FP24-0039), containing five (5) tracts on approximately 16.94 acres, located northwest of northwest of College Boulevard and S. Woodland Road. Planning Commission approved the plat 6 to 0.
This is a request to accept the dedication of land for public easements for the final plat of Pioneer Park. The final plat establishes five (5) tracts to accommodate the City’s recently approved Fire Station No. 9 and Pioneer Park on 16.94± acres, located northwest of College Boulevard and S. Woodland Road.
This plat will dedicate new public Utility (U/E), Sanitary Sewer (S/E), and Tree Preservation (TP/E) easements. No additional right-of-way is being dedicated with this plat.
Financial Impact:
Action Needed:
1. Accept the dedication of land for public easements for the final plat of Pioneer Park (FP24-0039) (majority vote of the Councilmembers present required).
2. Reject the dedication of land for public easements and return the plat to the Planning Commission for further consideration with a statement specifying the basis for the Governing Body’s failure to accept the dedication (majority vote of the Councilmembers present required).
A. Planning Commission Packet
B. Planning Commission Minutes