Focus Area: Infrastructure (Engineering)
Staff Contact: Mary Jaeger / Nate Baldwin
Subject: Report on the Olathe Private Street Preservation Program
Report on the Olathe Private Street Preservation Program Projects completed as part of the 2023 Street Preservation Program.
In May of 2021, the Olathe City Council approved a program that would allow Neighborhood Homeowners Associations (HOA) with responsibility for maintenance and preservation of private streets to contract with the City to include those private streets in City Street Preservation Program projects. The program allowed for the City to assist by providing engineering, project management and construction cost reimbursement up to 25% of the construction costs per HOA locations bid for construction with the Local & Collector Street Mill and Overlay Project, MAQS Micro Surface Project, Crack Sealing, Concrete Curb & Gutter or Sidewalk Replacement.
Two HOA applications were received and contracted with the City for construction projects in 2023. Villas of Asbury participated in the Local & Collector Mill and Overlay (LCMO A), and Willowbrooke Villas participated in the Local & Collector Mill and Overlay (LCMO B).
Project |
Total Const Cost |
HOA Share |
City Share |
Villas of Asbury |
Local and Collector Mill and Overlay |
$8,925.30 |
$6,693.98 |
$2,231.32 |
Willowbrooke Villas |
Local and Collector Mill and Overlay |
$242,786.73 |
$182,090.05 |
$60,696.68 |
One HOA application was received requesting 2024 construction participation and City Street Preservation Staff have completed the preliminary engineering and cost estimates and have completed the agreement with the HOA and are awaiting advertisement of the project with the Local and Collector Mill and Overlay Project - Group B.
Project |
Total Const Cost |
HOA Share |
City Share |
Mill Creek Farms |
Local and Collector Mill and Overlay |
$139,824.00 |
$104,868.00 |
$34,956.00 |
A Location Map is included as Attachment A with locations shown for completed 2023 HOA requested construction and the scheduled 2024 requested construction location.
Financial Impact:
City Funding for the Olathe Private Street Preservation Program is included as part of the 2023 Street Preservation Program, PN 3-P-000-23. The total construction costs bid for private streets included in the 2023 Street Preservation Program projects were $251,712.03. The City share was $62,928.00, and the HOA participation share was $188,784.03.
Action Needed:
No action is requested at this time.
A. Location Map
B. HOA Participation Guidelines