City of Olathe header
File #: G25-4907   
Type: Council Consent Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/4/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 2/18/2025 Final action:
Title: Consideration of Engineer's Estimate, acceptance of bids and award of contract to McAnany Construction, Inc. for construction of the K-7 Hwy Arterial Mill and Overlay Project, PN 3-P-001-25, and the 167th Street Improvements Project, PN 3-P-004-25.
Staff Contact: Mary Jaeger, Nate Baldwin
Attachments: 1. A. Project Location Map, 2. B. Project Fact Sheet, 3. C. Construction Agreement, 4. D. Engineer's Estimate and Affidavit of Estimate

Focus Area: Infrastructure (Engineering)

Staff Contact: Mary Jaeger / Nate Baldwin

Subject: Contract with McAnany Construction, Inc. for construction of the K-7 Hwy Arterial Mill and Overlay Project, PN 3-P-001-25, and the 167th Street Improvements Project, PN 3-P-004-25.




Consideration of Engineer’s Estimate, acceptance of bids and award of contract to McAnany Construction, Inc. for construction of the K-7 Hwy Arterial Mill and Overlay Project, PN 3-P-001-25, and the 167th Street Improvements Project, PN 3-P-004-25.




On February 4, 2025, two (2) bids were received and opened for the above referenced project. The bids ranged from $3,315,000.00 to $3,832,499.39 with the Engineer’s Estimate at $4,352,306.00. McAnany Construction, Inc. submitted the low and responsible bid in the amount of $3,315,000.00. The following is a tabulation of the bids received:


McAnany Construction, Inc.                                                               $ 3,315,000.00

Superior Bowen Asphalt Company, LLC.                                          $ 3,832,499.39

Engineer’s Estimate                                                                                                         $ 4,352,306.00


The K-7 Hwy Arterial Mill and Overlay Project from Loula Street to Harold Street will provide a 3.5” mill and resurfacing with concrete curb and sidewalk replacement, installation of ADA compliant sidewalk ramps, installation of an 8’ wide shared use path in select locations on the east side of K-7 Hwy, signal modifications at Loula Street, signal detection replacement and placement of pavement markings.


The 167th Street Improvements Project includes replacing the existing gravel road from just west of Hedge Lane to just west of I-35 with a new asphalt pavement section with curb and gutter. This project will include stormwater improvements, street lighting, placement of pavement markings and installation of guardrail.


Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in Spring 2025 and tentatively scheduled to be completed in Fall 2025.



Financial Impact:

These projects are funded from the City of Olathe’s 2025 Street Preservation Program. Funding for the 2025 Street Preservation Program, as approved in the 2025-2029 CIP, includes:


CIP Fund (Cash)                                                               $  2,800,000

Transportation Sales Tax                                          $18,470,000

Total:                                                                                                         $21,270,000



Action Needed:

Approval of Engineer’s Estimate, acceptance of bids and award of contract to McAnany Construction, Inc. for construction of the K-7 Hwy Arterial Mill and Overlay Project, PN 3-P-001-25, and the 167th Street Improvements Project, PN 3-P-004-25.



A.                     Project Location Map

B.                     Project Fact Sheet

C.                     Construction Agreement

D.                     Engineer’s Estimate and Affidavit of Estimate