Focus Area: Economy, Community Development
Staff Contact: Nathan Jurey, Senior Planner
Subject: FP24-0040: Final Plat for Stonebridge Manor, Third Plat; Owner: Brian Rodrock, Stonebridge Partners LLC; Applicant: Tim Tucker, Phelps Engineering Inc.
Request for the acceptance of the dedication of the land for public easements and public street right-of-way for a final plat for Stonebridge Manor Third Plat (FP24-0040), containing 16 lots and two (2) tracts on approximately 4.25 acres, located southeast of W. 167th Street and S. Mur-Len Road. Planning Commission approved the plat 6 to 0.
This is a request to accept the dedication of land for public easements and public street right-of-way for the final plat of Stonebridge Manor Third Plat. The plat will establish lot lines and dedicate public easements and right-of-way for 16 single-family lots and two (2) tracts southeast of W. 167th Street and S. Mur-Len Road.
New utility (U/E), sanitary sewer (S/E), drainage (D/E), tree preservation (TP/E), and public recreation (PR/E) easements will be dedicated by this plat. All roadways within the development will be dedicated as public right-of-way.
The property is subject to a traffic signal excise tax of $0.0037 per square foot of land area and is exempt from street excise taxes per Municipal Code Chapter 3.35 as the entire property is located within the Mur-Len Road Benefit District.
Financial Impact:
Action Needed:
1. Accept the dedication of land for public easements and public street right-of-way for the final plat of Stonebridge Manor Third Plat (FP24-0040) (majority vote of the Councilmembers present required).
2. Reject the dedication of land for public easements and public street right-of-way and return the plat to the Planning Commission for further consideration with a statement specifying the basis for the Governing Body’s failure to accept the dedication (majority vote of the Councilmembers present required).
A. Planning Commission Packet
B. Planning Commission Minutes