Focus Area: Infrastructure (Engineering)
Staff Contact: Mary Jaeger / Nate Baldwin
Subject: Consideration of Amendment No. 2 with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. for construction of the West Cedar Creek Sewer Interceptor Project, 1-C-011-24.
Consideration of Amendment No. 2 with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. for construction of the West Cedar Creek Sewer Interceptor Project, 1-C-011-24.
This project includes the design and construction of a new gravity sanitary sewer interceptor from the City’s existing 159th Street and Cedar Lake lift stations to the south end of Lake Olathe along Dennis Avenue. At the north end of the interceptor, a new regional lift station will be constructed, and all flows will be pumped through a new force main from the lift station at Dennis Avenue all the way to the north side of 135th Street. From there, it will return to a gravity interceptor all the way to the City’s Cedar Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant located on 119th Street west of Clare Road. These improvements will also allow for sanitary sewer service to areas along Old 56 Highway west of Robinson Drive and areas north of 135th Street that currently do not have the ability to be provided service.
On January 31, 2024, the City advertised a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to provide Construction Manager At Risk (CMAR) services for construction of this project. Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. was selected as the Construction Manager and a pre-construction phase services contract was awarded by City Council on June 4, 2024. Amendment No. 1 established the first Guaranteed Max Price (GMP) for the project. Services included a pre-blast survey, tree clearing along the alignment, and general site work. Construction of GMP No. 1 began in December 2024.
Amendment No. 2 establishes the second GMP for the project at $30,044,776, for a total cost of work in both GMPs at $31,558,329. Services in GMP No. 2 include approximately 5.6 miles of gravity interceptor sewer, 2.1 miles of forcemain sewer, two auger borings under BNSF railroad, one auger boring under Old 56 Highway, and 1,000 linear feet of horizontal directional drilling along Dennis at Lake Olathe.
This project has been split into multiple GMP packages to facilitate an expedited construction schedule. The final anticipated GMP for this project will include construction of the regional lift station being constructed on the south side of Lake Olathe. This GMP is expected to be presented to Council for consideration in late Spring 2025.
This project has already begun construction on work included in GMP No. 1. Work in GMP No. 2 is expected to begin in Spring 2025 with completion anticipated in Fall 2026.
Financial Impact:
Funding for the West Cedar Creek Sewer Interceptor Project, as approved in the 2024-2028 Capital Improvements Plan, includes:
Revenue Bonds $26,474,500
SDF $17,968,300
Total: $44,442,800
Action Needed:
Approval of Amendment No. 2 with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. for construction of the West Cedar Creek Sewer Interceptor Project, 1-C-011-24.
A. Project Location Map
B. Project Fact Sheet
C. Amendment No. 2