City of Olathe header
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/4/2025 6:45 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 100 E. Santa Fe | Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
Attachments: 02-04-25 Council Packet
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
G25-4835 A.Executive SessionPersonnel matters of non-elected personnel pursuant to the exception provided in K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(1) regarding the City Auditor position. approvedPass Action details Not available
G25-4893 A.Special BusinessConsideration of Resolution No. 25-1017 reappointing a member to the Planning Commission.approvedPass Action details Video Video
G25-4878 A.Council ConsentConsideration of approval of the City Council meeting minutes of the January 21, 2025 council meeting.approvedPass Action details Not available
G25-4881 B.Council ConsentConsideration of renewal license(s) as recommended by the City Clerk.approvedPass Action details Not available
G25-4873 C.Council ConsentConsideration of Travel Request Authorization for City Councilmembers and City Manager, Michael Wilkes to travel to attend the NLC conference.approvedPass Action details Not available
G25-4877 D.Council ConsentConsideration of a Real Estate Agreement with Enterprise Bank & Trust.approvedPass Action details Not available
G25-4896 E.Council ConsentConsideration of approval of Resolution No. 25-1018, and adopting the updated 2024 Region L Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan for Olathe, Kansas.approvedPass Action details Video Video
G25-4883 F.Council ConsentConsideration of Consent Calendar.approvedPass Action details Not available
G25-4890 G.Council ConsentConsideration of Resolution No. 25-1019 authorizing the City of Olathe’s completion of an application to Kansas Department of Health and Environment for a loan for the Super Critical Water Oxidation Project, PN 1-C-019-25.approvedPass Action details Not available
G25-4882 H.Council ConsentConsideration of Engineer’s Estimate, acceptance of bids and award of contract to McAnany Construction, Inc. for construction of the 2025 Local and Collector Street Mill and Overlay Project - Group A, PN 3-P-006-25.approvedPass Action details Not available
G25-4889 I.Council ConsentConsideration of Engineer’s Estimate, acceptance of bids and award of contract to Sands Construction, LLC for construction of the Prairie Center Park Improvements Phase 1 Project, PN 4-C-016-22.approvedPass Action details Video Video
G25-4886 J.Council ConsentConsideration of an Agreement with Johnson County for funding the construction of the CMP Replacement: 143rd Street and Lakeshore Drive Arterial Mill and Overlay Projects, PN 2-R-001-25.approvedPass Action details Not available
G25-4887 K.Council ConsentConsideration of an Agreement with Johnson County for funding the construction of the CMP Replacement: Anne Shirely Drive Pipe Lining Project, PN 2-R-002-25.approvedPass Action details Not available
G25-4888 L.Council ConsentConsideration of an Agreement with Johnson County for funding the construction of the CMP Replacement: Public Safety Drive Reconstruction Project, PN 2-R-003-25.approvedPass Action details Not available
G25-4884 M.Council ConsentConsideration of a Professional Services Agreement with HNTB Corporation for contract project management services for various infrastructure projects within the City of Olathe.approvedPass Action details Not available
G25-4876 N.Council ConsentConsideration of award of contract to Trojan Technologies to upgrade UV modules at Harold Street Wastewater Treatment Plant.approvedPass Action details Video Video
G25-4892 A.New BusinessConsideration of Ordinance No. 25-05 amending Section 3.60.140 of the Olathe Municipal Code pertaining to General Policy on Tort Liability Claims.approvedPass Action details Video Video
G25-4898 B.New BusinessConsideration of Ordinance No. 25-06 authorizing payment by the City Treasurer of an eminent domain award and court-appointed appraisers’ fees in the eminent domain case of The City of Olathe, Kansas vs. Sutherland Lumber Company of Kansas City, LLC, et al., Case No. 24-CV-05563 for the Animal Shelter Project, PN 6-C-007-23.approvedPass Action details Video Video
G25-4891 1.ReportsQuarterly Procurement Report   Action details Not available