| A. | PC Consent Item | MN25-0210: Approval of the minutes as written from the February 10, 2025 Planning Commission meeting. | | |
Not available
Not available
| B. | PC Consent Item | FP24-0039: Request for approval of a final plat for Pioneer Park, containing five (5) tracts on approximately 16.94 acres, located northwest of College Boulevard and S. Woodland Road. | | |
Not available
Not available
| A. | PC - Public Hearing | PUBLIC HEARING
FP24-0041: Request for approval of a final plat for Olathe Commons, Third Plat, containing two (2) lots and two (2) tracts and a vacation of public easements and other public dedications on approximately 29.1 acres, located southeast of W. 119th Street and S. Black Bob Road. | | |
Not available
Not available