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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/4/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: 100 E. Santa Fe | Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
Attachments: 03-04-25 Council Packet
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
G25-4934 A.Special BusinessPresentation on the Olathe Mayor’s Children’s Fund 2024 Campaign.   Not available Video Video
G25-4964 B.Special BusinessProclamation recognizing February as Black History Month.    Not available Video Video
G25-4973 C.Special BusinessPresentation by ETC Institute on the results of the 2024 DirectionFinder Survey.   Not available Video Video
G25-4941 A.Council ConsentConsideration of approval of the City Council meeting minutes of February 4, 2025.   Not available Not available
G25-4935 B.Council ConsentConsideration of renewal license(s) as recommended by the City Clerk.   Not available Not available
G25-4943 C.Council ConsentConsideration of travel request for City Manager Michael Wilkes to attend LKM meetings for 2025.   Not available Not available
G25-4901 D.Council ConsentConsideration of Travel Request Authorization for Michael Wilkes to attend a Transforming Local Government conference April 6-10.   Not available Not available
G25-4947 E.Council ConsentConsideration of Resolution No. 25-1020 calling and providing for the giving of notice of a public hearing on April 1, 2025 on the advisability of creating a community improvement district (the 114-126 N. Cherry Street CID).   Not available Not available
G25-4949 F.Council ConsentConsideration of Resolution No. 25-1021 for the assignment and assumption of lease agreements and bond documents from LECC Building 4, LLC to Chick-fil- A Supply, LLC.   Not available Not available
G25-4960 G.Council ConsentRequest for the acceptance of the dedication of the land for public easements for a final plat for Pioneer Park (FP24-0039), containing five (5) tracts on approximately 16.94 acres, located northwest of northwest of College Boulevard and S. Woodland Road. Planning Commission approved the plat 6 to 0.   Not available Not available
G25-4948 H.Council ConsentRequest for the acceptance of the dedication of the land for public easements and public street right-of-way for a final plat for Stonebridge Manor Third Plat (FP24-0040), containing 16 lots and two (2) tracts on approximately 4.25 acres, located southeast of W. 167th Street and S. Mur-Len Road. Planning Commission approved the plat 6 to 0.   Not available Not available
G25-4961 I.Council ConsentRequest for the acceptance of the dedication of the land for public easements for a final plat for Olathe Commons, Third Plat (FP24-0041), containing two (2) lots and two (2) tracts on approximately 29.1 acres, located southeast of W. 119th Street and S. Black Bob Road. Planning Commission approved the plat 6 to 0.   Not available Not available
G25-4962 J.Council ConsentConsideration of Resolution No. 25-1023, PLN25-0001, requesting the City’s consent to the enlargement of the Consolidated Main Sewer District of Johnson County, Kansas for Pioneer Park Lot 1, located northwest of College Boulevard and S. Woodland Road.   Not available Not available
G25-4950 K.Council ConsentConsideration of Resolution No. 25-1022 authorizing the purchase of vehicles for the 2025 city-wide fleet replacement.   Not available Video Video
G25-4951 L.Council ConsentConsideration of Consent Calendar.   Not available Not available
G25-4957 M.Council ConsentConsideration of Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment 1 to the agreement with J.E. Dunn Construction Company for construction management services for the Fire Station No. 9 project, PN 6-C-013-23.   Not available Not available
G25-4910 N.Council ConsentConsideration of Engineer’s Estimate, acceptance of bids and award of contract to Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. for construction of the Renner Pump Station Generator and Electrical Improvements Project, PN 5-RF-003-24.   Not available Not available
G25-4928 O.Council ConsentConsideration of Engineer’s Estimate, acceptance of bids and award of contract to Superior Bowen Asphalt Company, LLC for construction of the Valley Parkway Arterial Mill and Overlay Project, PN 3-P-005-24, and the Clare Road Arterial Mill and Overlay Project, PN 3-P-005-25.   Not available Not available
G25-4929 P.Council ConsentConsideration of Engineer’s Estimate, acceptance of bids and award of contract to Superior Bowen Asphalt Company, LLC for construction of the 2025 Local and Collector Street Mill and Overlay Project - Group B, PN 3-P-007-25.   Not available Not available
G25-4930 Q.Council ConsentConsideration of Engineer’s Estimate, acceptance of bids and award of contract to Superior Bowen Asphalt Company, LLC for construction of the Black Bob Road, 159th to 167th, Improvements Project, PN 3-C-008-22.   Not available Not available
G25-4952 R.Council ConsentConsideration of Engineer’s Estimate, acceptance of bids and award of contract to Linaweaver Construction, Inc. for construction of the South Hamilton Circle Improvement Project Phase 2, PN 3-R-001-24.   Not available Not available
G25-4953 S.Council ConsentConsideration of Engineer’s Estimate, acceptance of bids and award of contract to McAnany Construction, Inc. for construction of the K-7 Hwy Arterial Mill and Overlay Project, PN 3-P-001-25, and the 167th Street Improvements Project, PN 3-P-004-25.   Not available Not available
G25-4955 T.Council ConsentConsideration of Amendment No. 2 with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. for construction of the West Cedar Creek Sewer Interceptor Project, 1-C-011-24.   Not available Not available
G25-4937 U.Council ConsentConsideration of Professional Services Agreement with Olsson, Inc. for design of the Lone Elm, 159th Street to 167th Street, Improvements Project, PN 3-C-076-25.   Not available Not available
G25-4954 V.Council ConsentConsideration of a Professional Services Agreement with Walter P. Moore and Associates, Inc. for design of the Harold Street, Ridgeview to Kansas City Road, Improvements Project, PN 3-C-074-25.   Not available Not available
G25-4958 W.Council ConsentConsideration of renewal of contract to Integrity Locating Services, LLC for underground utility locating services.   Not available Not available
G25-4956 X.Council ConsentConsideration of renewal of contract with Olathe Winwater and authorization of purchase of fire hydrants.   Not available Not available
G25-4966 Y.Council ConsentConsideration of award of contract to MTS Contracting, Inc. for the 136 South Cherry Street Garage 2024 Repairs Phases 1 & 2 (Parking Garage Repair and Protection Project, Project No. 6-C-010-23).   Not available Not available
G25-4939 A.New BusinessConsideration of Ordinance No. 25-06 (VAC24-0001), requesting approval to vacate a public utility easement; located at 12675 S. Shady Bend Road. Planning Commission recommends approval 7 to 0.   Not available Video Video
G25-4963 B.New BusinessConsideration of Approval of the 2025 Olathe Outdoor Sculpture Series.   Not available Video Video
G25-4940 1.ReportsReport on Potential Revenue from Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations.   Not available Not available
G25-4942 2.ReportsReport on a request for annexation of approximately 7.93 acres, located northwest of W. 143rd Street and S. Lakeshore Drive (ANX25-0001).   Not available Not available
G25-4944 1.Discussion ItemDiscussion of Olathe Public Art Committee Initiatives. (20 min)    Not available Not available
G25-4912 A.Executive SessionRecess into an executive session for preliminary discussion regarding the acquisition of real property in northwest Olathe pursuant to the exception provided in K.S.A. 75-4319(b)(6).   Not available Not available
G25-4945 B.Executive SessionRecess into an executive session for preliminary discussion related to acquisition of property pursuant to the exception provided in K.S.A.75-4319(b)(6) regarding the Quivira Road, 143rd to 151st, Improvements Project, PN 3-C-011-24.   Not available Not available
G25-4965 C.Executive SessionRecess into an executive session to discuss matters relating to security measures pursuant to the exception provided in K.S.A.75-4319(b)(12) regarding the information system of the City of Olathe.    Not available Not available
G25-4946 D.Executive SessionRecess into an executive session to discuss personnel matters of non-elected personnel regarding the City Auditor position pursuant to the exception provided in K.S.A.75-4319(b)(1).   Not available Not available